Restaurant Meals

In November 2016, a report was provided showing the calorie and nutritional value of some of the main restaurant chains.  Below is that report set up in the SmallerKnickers way!

By understanding more about the nutrient and calorie content of meals, you can chose what will help your healthy eating targets.



The Recommended Daily Intake is sourced from NHS UK and Mydailyintake.  NHS: For a balanced diet a man needs about 2,500 and a woman about 2,000 calories per day. Values can vary depending on age, metabolism & levels of activity amongst other things.

It is also recommended that adults have no more than 30g of “added sugar” (a third of the Carbohydrate Sugars category).  Most of these restaurant meals not only exceed the 90g of Carbohydrate sugars recommended for a whole day, but they are likely to include a lot of “added sugar”.



Source – and Heart UK